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The Best Assault Rifle

By Pulsar#1369

Assault Rifles are one of the most important weapon categories in ZR, having the widest range of gun types. As of October, there are 10 ARs, 5 of which can only be found in mythic rarity. Today I will be focusing on the 4 main types: AR-15, Scar, M4, and AK. It has long been a debate over professional players over which of these weapons is the best of its class, and I will be giving my opinion on this matter. Because of the fast bullet speed, knockback, and high bullet spread, the AR-15 is my weapon of choice in competitive matches because it prevents opponents from strafing and escaping fights. While the other Assault Rifles are viable under the right circumstances and given the right player, they tend to be less strong for pro fights and better equipped for solo matches against players with lower skill level.

The AR-15 is the oldest of the 4 main ARs, being released in Zombs Royale alpha. It has the most unique qualities of any AR, being the only one to have bullet knockback - the ability to push back players who are hit, and also has the fastest bullet fire rate, making escaping tricky situations very difficult. Knockback is very important because in AR fights, knockback can disorientate your opponent, messing up their aim. Additionally, the bullet spread makes strafing (dodging bullets) more difficult, because the AR-15 shoots at the player and the area surrounding them. For these reasons, I rank the AR-15 as the most powerful AR.

The recent update tremendously buffed the SCAR, which now does 16 - 20 damage per bullet. While this makes the gun very powerful in the hands of players who have good aim, in competitive matches the damage is overcompensated by the low fire-rate. Opponents are able to escape fights while taking minimal damage because the low fire rate makes hitting moving opponents much harder. I would, however, consider it to be the best gun when fighting players of lower skill or low health.

M4 has always been in the middle of these two ARs, having medium fire rate and damage. For this reason it is somewhat viable in competitive matches. The AK does similar damage as the Scar, but has an even slower fire rate, making moving opponents very hard to hit. However, given a very skilled player who knows how to aim with the AK, it can be very deadly similarly to the Scar for its high damage.

In conclusion, the AR-15 is the best AR out of the 4 main weapons of this category. Its high fire rate and dps, bullet spread, and knockback make it the most useful and deadly. However, other weapons may be suitable for players that have different skills. Players who have great aim shouldn’t be dissuaded by this article to stop using Scars, M4s, and AKs, whose high damage can be useful against players that don’t know how to strafe bullets. In fact, part of being a good Zombs Royale player is being able to use a wide variety of weapons with success.

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